Green Phone Services (GPS) Networking in Albania

  • Posted on: 4 July 2012
  • By: admin
Environment Protection
Starting Date: 
01-01- 2011
Ending Date: 
Donor agency: 
Detailed description of the project: 
The overall objective of the project is to increase public participation in environmental protection in Albania through improving environmental information flow to the public and promote access to justice practices. The specific objectives contributing to the achievement of the overall objective include:
  • Increase environmental information flow in 6 regions in Albania through establishing Green Phone Services (GPS) in the upcoming two years
  • Empower Environmental CSOs through increasing their capacities to manage the environmental information and promote access to justice
  • Establishment and sustaining the GPS network.
Type of services provided
UnderObjective 1
  1. Improved know how of environmental protection needs and problems;
  2. 4 Green Phone services upgraded in Tirana, Vlore, Shkoder and Korca;
  3. 2 new GPS services established in Kukes and Elbasan;
  4. Higher Citizen's information and participation in solving environmental problems;
UnderObjective 2
  1. Strengthened 12 CSOs capacities to manage environmental information and promote access to justice.
  2. Developed CSO skills in lobbying, advocacy, media communication, working with citizens, Local Authorities and other stakeholders;
  3. Environmental problems properly addressed and solved through CSO assistance with the GPS and small campaigns;
  4. Environmental training curricula and promotional materials produced;
  5. Study tour conducted and impacted positively the GPS quality of work
UnderObjective 3
  1. GPS network established;
  2. Regional environmental network of experts and environmental organizations established  at the national level as a tool to address environmental concerns and assist the GPS;
  3. Facilitated communication and cooperation among environmental key players represented at the National Environmental Network in undertaking policy measures to comply with EU standards.