About us

ECO-Partners for sustainable Development (ECO-Partners) is an Albanian-based organization with a mission to promote sustainable development in Albania through fostering integrated environmental management, by raising environmental awareness among decision makers and wide public on the sustainable use and management of the natural resources, providing expertise on environmental matters related to climate change, support to raise capacities, inform, educate and encourage public and non-public institutions and the community at large for active and responsible participation in decision making.
Mission: Promoting sustainable development in Albania through fostering integrated environmental management.
Fields of interest:
- Environmental awareness among decision makers and wide public on the sustainable use and management of the natural resources.
- Promoting environmental education among the community groups
- Promoting Public Participation in decision making and environmental policy drafting and implementation.
- Environmental impact monitoring and assessment.
- Providing environmental consulting for the businesses and local authorities.
- Mediating the EU environmental standards, related to climate change, application of BAT and Cleaner Production principles/methodologies.
Management Structure Resources, Personnel
The Organisation staff consists of 2 full members and several part-time or volunteers which contribute on project demand bases with a strong background with activities in the field of environmental management, education and research.
Organisation works with the pool of experts composed of the best professionals in the field of environment, combined with their academic background with a long expertise in the field of environmental management, best agricultural and forestry practices, management of the natural resources; application of the public participation methods in decision making, raising environmental awareness and education, as well as research and analyses.
Competence of Partner (Experience, Structures, Resources, Personnel, Work ecc) Which are the organisation's thematic competences and experiences relevant for the project?
ECO-Partners is an Albanian-based, non-governmental organization, with a mission to promote sustainable development in Albania through fostering integrated environmental management - by raising environmental awareness among decision makers and wide public on the sustainable use and management of the natural resources, providing expertise on environmental matters related to climate change, support to raise capacities, inform, educate and encourage public and non-public institutions and the community at large for active and responsible participation in decision making.
The fields of action for ECO-Partners include:
- Environmental awareness among decision makers and wide public on the sustainable use and management of the natural resources. This is perused through environmental awareness activities, such as training, workshops and seminars on specific environmental topic as well as a good work with the environmental and other media representatives. The Green Phone Services which ECO-Partners in cooperation with the Biologists of Albania is planning to establish in 6 regions in Albania, covering the entire territory with environmental information and enabling exchange of good environmental practices in cooperation with the Ministry of Environment.
- Promoting environmental education among the community groups such as farmers, school children, local and central authorities, through raising their capacities and understanding on sustainable development principles and good practices. ECO-Partners has quite some experience on training and education projects. Through cooperation with other environmental key players in the country such as Milieucontact, Regional Environmental Centre (REC) etc, Ministry of Environment, EKO-Partners is contributing to preparation of educational curricula (such as Manual for Schools on introducing and implementing environmental measures), and on the Environmental Green Pack produced by the REC, trainings of the environmental Civil society groups on accessing environmental funds.
- Promoting Public Participation in decision making and environmental policy drafting and implementation. Project about environmental education awareness and exchange through the Green Phone Services attempts also to facilitate the Access to justice services in Albania and facilitates the implementation of the main principles of Aarhus Convention.
- Environmental impact monitoring and assessment. Transpositions and implementation environmental acquis in the fields of nature protection, water protection, environmental impact assessment and strategic environmental assessment – (under planning and perfectly fitting with the RENA).
- Providing environmental consulting for the businesses and local authorities, mediating the EU environmental standards, related to climate change, application of BAT and Cleaner Production principles and methodologies. In cooperation with Environmental Centre for Administration and Technology (ECAT), ECO-Partners is facilitating the implementation of the Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production (RECP) programme in Albania. The Porgramme will consist of establishing the RECP Centre and the RECP network of experts who are being trained under the UNIDO/ UNEP expertise. The programme will assist in integrating the RECP strategy into the sustainable industrial development and sustainable consumption and production in Albania. Cooperation with Ministry of Economy and Transport as well as Ministry of Environment are very important aspects of this work.